Portuguese (thank you, ArturLira and Eve Kmax!) Worldly Sims get a bonus to the Selvadorado Culture skill, and excel at the Social Media and Secret Agent careers. Going on great vacations can give these Sims powerful moodlets that give bonuses to careers, skills, and relationships. These Sims will get stressed out if they don't go on vacation or to a festival in a while. They like going on vacation, attending festivals, and posting about it on social media. These Sims love to take part in and experience culture. Tinkers get a bonus to mechanical skills like Programming, Handiness, Rocket Science, and Robotics. Building and activating a Servo is as fulfilling to Tinkers as having a baby would be for most other Sims. They love doing upgrades, working on robots, and programming.

These Sims love to know what makes things tick. Technophobes will struggle with any technologically minded skill, especially Programming and Robotics, and will see further penalties to any career involving these skills. They may have a strong reaction to seeing a Servo in person.

They’re acutely aware of the ever-present and looming threat of robot overlords. These Sims are old-fashioned and get stressed out by any new technology with more than two buttons. Anything with the written word with keep them Happy. These Sims love to write books, blog posts, and journal entries. These Sims love to watch movies and talk about them. They get strong moodlets after the film is over (for better or worse) and get benefits by sharing their thoughts on the quality of the film with others. They get Happy anytime they are working with plants, and they enjoy harvesting the fruits of their labor most of all. They get strong moodlets from winning or losing a game, and may become Bored if they don’t take part in competitions for too long. These Sims love to take part in games of skill. These Sims enjoy making things by hand, and will become Happy when woodworking, making flower arrangements, or baking. Each trait comes with new moodlets, social interactions with custom loots and speech bubbles, and whim sets.

This trait pack adds a total of eight new traits (six Hobby traits and two others) most of which require your Sim to regularly participate in their favorite pastime or else risk becoming stressed out.