I had plenty fun with them once I completed the game.

There are several cheats available from making hissatsu gauges full to making friendship 100% to making that super-run ( can't remember exact name) counter full all the time to make them have infinite TP.Just change the resolution and it will feel like a whole different games. Turn up the resolution - The default Dolphin resolution is 480p - but it does support upto 4k.Download Size: 3.4 Gigabyte Present Download Links Solve Captcha to observe hyperlinks and ultimate Password. Okay, I am not really sure I FULLY understand your question, but here are few things I can say (Most of it supposing you play on PC) Inazuma 11 GO Strikers 2013 is an Inazuma Eleven spin-off game for the Nintendo Wii, featuring characters from the primary DS games, and the main figures of Inazuma 11 GO and Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone. There's a mod solution to fix these issues and make the game more enjoyable? Also I want to know how much we can change in the game I see some ppl doing color change and stuff but I feel like there's something else.

I want to know if there's a way to make that every character on both team in inazuma eleven strikers always have their special gauge charged to not just useless make passes on atk and someway improve the charge time who is stupidly slowly I have idk somewhere around 200 hours of game because I play it monthly with my friends so it's commons issues we noticed along the years.